Teaching Ancient China
Read about our first new landing page, which is all about the arts of ancient China, from the Neolithic Period through the Zhou Dynasty.

The death mask of the most famous ancient Maya king
When archaeologists managed to slide the lid off a sarcophagus and look inside, they found Pakal’s body covered in jade ornaments. A jade mask covered Pakal’s face. And all of these helped to transform him into the Maize God!

Predicting the future with turtle shells
How did ancient Chinese kings predict the future with turtle shells? Why did Shang dynasty king Wu Ding use turtle shells and animal bones to resolve his terrible toothache?

Ancient Egyptians loved cats
Are you ready to step back in time with us and unravel the mysteries of cat worship, mummification, and the rich symbolism surrounding these cats in ancient Egypt? If you're a cat lover or hiss-tory enthusiast, our video is for you! It’s pawsitively awesome.