Symbols and Subject Matter Skip to Videos Buddhist Art: Symbols and Subject Matter | Christian Art: Symbols and Subject Matter | Ancient Americas: Symbols and Subject Matter | A | B | C | E | H | L | P | R | S | T | U | S, Buddhist Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, What is a stupa in Buddhism? P, Buddhist Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, What is parinirvana in the life of the Buddha? A, Buddhist Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, Who is Amitabha Buddha (Amida Buddha) in Pure Land Buddhism? Christian Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, A, What is the Annunciation? A, Ancient Americas: Symbols and Subject Matter, Who are the Aztec amanteca (featherworkers)? A, Buddhist Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, What is aniconic in early Buddhist art? Ancient Americas: Symbols and Subject Matter, T, What is a tzompantli (skull rack) in Mesoamerica? B, Buddhist Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, What is a bodhisattva in Buddhism? E, What is an equestrian portrait? Ancient Americas: Symbols and Subject Matter, T, Who is Tlaloc in the Aztec pantheon? U, Buddhist Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, What is ukiyo-e in Japanese art? A, Ancient Americas: Symbols and Subject Matter, What is anthropomorphic? T, What is a taotie in Chinese art? R, What is a running spiral? C, What is a calavera? P, Ancient Americas: Symbols and Subject Matter, What is a pectoral in Mesoamerican art? Ancient Americas: Symbols and Subject Matter, C, What is an Aztec cuauhxicalli? A, What is an Aztec atl-tlachinolli? L, Ancient Americas: Symbols and Subject Matter, What is a labret (lip piercing)? Christian Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, Buddhist Art: Symbols and Subject Matter, H, What is a halo? Related Resources Architectural Terms Go Techniques Go Materials and Colors Go Forms and Formats Go