Chinampas—Aztec floating gardens

Did you know that the Aztecs created floating gardens called chinampas because they lived on an island in the middle of a lake? The Aztec capital city, Tenochtitlan, had a large population, so to help feed the people in it, the Aztecs used these island gardens to cultivate crops. This form of gardening was important for helping to sustain the Aztec Empire. The Aztecs built canals between the chinampas to navigate between them.

Aztec engineering

This video looks at the process of building chinampas and growing crops, and the legacy of chinampas today. Chinampas are a great example of Aztec engineering because they transformed an unlikely environment (a lake!) into artificial islands capable of feeding an empire.


Want to see chinampas in person? Today, visitors to Mexico City can still experience these floating gardens by visiting Xochimilco. Aboard a traditional trajinera, visitors can see canals and floating gardens. Xochimilco is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its importance.