Cueva de los Manos (Cave of the Hands) in Argentina

Explore the ancient art inside the Cueva de los Manos, a prehistoric cave in Patagonia!

Cave of the Hands

Located in the Río Pinturas canyon of Argentina, the Cueva de los Manos, or the Cave of the Hands, is one of the world’s most remarkable examples of prehistoric cave art. This ancient rock shelter shows vivid hand paintings and depictions of animals, hunting scenes, and abstract symbols, all created using natural pigments in colors like red, black, yellow, and violet.

Painting techniques

This video explores techniques used by these early artists to create this wide variety of images, including tons of hands! It also considers why these artworks, particularly the hundreds of left-hand prints, have remained so well-preserved for thousands of years.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Despite the unresolved mysteries surrounding their exact meanings, the significance of these creations for understanding our shared human desire to make art is undeniable. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, Cueva de los Manos helps to connect us to our ancestors and helps us understand the importance of preserving these cultural treasures for future generations. Learn about early Latin American art with this educational resource!

Main image

Cueva de los Manos, prehistoric (dates are contested). Río Pinturas canyon, Patagonia, Argentina

Learn more

Learn more about murals with our ABCs of Art History series (click here)