Early Mesoamerica
Prehistoric—c. 650 CE
The Archaic, Pre-Classic, and Classic period
Discover Mesoamerica’s rich artistic heritage in the Archaic, Pre-Classic, and Classic periods, from the Olmec to the ancient Maya civilizations.
The art and histories of early Mesoamerica include colossal sculpture, monumental cities, and advanced ceramic and painting traditions.
Archaic Period and Early Pre-Classic Sites
The Archaic Period and early pre-classic village sites like Tlatilco and regions like West Mexico demonstrate the incredible variety of art flourishing in Mesoamerica
Building monumental pyramids and sculptures, the Olmec were important to Mesoamerican cultural groups
Flourishing in southern Mexico, mainly in Oaxaca, the Zapotecs built a powerful civic-ceremonial center at Monte Albán
An enormous city with a massive population that was planned on a grid—Teotihuacan was a powerful center in early Mesoamerica
The Maya
The ancient Maya are known for their incredible architecture, writing system, and calendar systems
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