Later Mesoamerica
The Epiclassic and Post-Classic periods
c. 650–1520 CE
Discover Mesoamerica’s rich artistic heritage after 650 CE, from the ancient Maya to the Aztec civilizations.
The art and histories of later Mesoamerica include Mixtec screenfold manuscripts, the Post-Classic International Style, and the Aztec Empire
Later Maya
The Maya at Chichén Itzá and elsewhere in the Post-Classic offer exciting opportunities to talk about contact, cultural complexity, and trade
Toltecs and Cholula
The influence of the Toltecs was felt across Central Mexico, and Cholula rose to become an important pilgrimage destination
The Mixtecs
The Mixtecs lived primarily in southern Mexico during the Post-Classic period
The Mexica (Aztecs)
More popularly known as the Aztecs, the Mexica rose to power in Central Mexico in the 14th century and controlled a powerful empire from their capital of Tenochtitlan
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